Bloomberg: The Future of Work
May 16, 2017
We partnered with Bloomberg and the Shift Commission on Work to give voice to the people whose lives will be most impacted by technology’s massive transformation of the nature of work.
How will technology disrupt the nature of work and the lives of every day Americans? We partnered with Bloomberg and the Shift Commission on Work to give voice to the people whose lives will be most impacted by technology’s massive transformation of the nature of work.
With Kelton’s heritage in journalism, this exercise in empathy building was the perfect combination of storytelling and insight for the Kelton team. Through deep qualitative research with truck drivers and caregivers, we uncovered eye-opening insights on topics like automation and universal basic income. Our work influenced the Commission’s strategic focus and guided communications strategy. We also created a podcast series from our fascinating and emotionally-driven conversations that provided context for journalists and inspired the Commission’s brainstorming.
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Click on the images below to read the full report from the Shift Commission.