Home improvement over hanky panky?
May 14, 2013
Ashton BridgesWhile most homeowners are no strangers to doing home improvement work themselves, past DIY work leaves a lot to be desired. According to our recent study for redbeacon, a whopping twenty percent of respondents would give up hanky panky in exchange for a year of home improvement help.
With Spring upon us, millions of homeowners across the country will be ready to do some home improvement work – from gardening and landscaping to preparing their AC units for the warmer weather. But according to a new survey by redbeacon, a majority of them will be outsourcing this sort of work to home service professionals rather than tackling the work themselves.
Why? While most homeowners are no strangers to doing home improvement work themselves, past DIY work leaves a lot to be desired. A recent USA Today Snapshot on our study showed that 38 percent of respondents spent more time than planned on DIY projects and 27 percent spent more money than they had allotted.
So how frustrated is the average home improvement DIYer? According to a recent Huffington Post article on our study, in exchange for a year of help 56 percent of respondents would be happy to give up social media, 35 percent would abstain from dining out, and a whopping twenty percent would give up hanky panky.