Out-Ovation: Reinventing Research to Fuel Our Innovation Efforts
December 12, 2013
Using consumer research during the innovation process enables teams to identify a richer set of opportunities. Learn about six of Kelton's research techniques that have fed into some of our clients' breakthrough innovation strategies: Innovation Foresight; In-Situ Exploration; Digital Immersion; Extreme Users and Threshold Research; Consumer Co-Creation; Storytelling and Narrative Creation.
Last week, we had the opportunity to participate in the Innovation Enterprise’s Chief Innovation Officer Summit. Over the course of two days, innovation leaders and industry pioneers joined together to gel around fresh perspectives on innovation practices, culture and strategies in a series of keynote presentations, hands-on workshops and interactive panel discussions. Among these sessions was Kelton’s panel: Out-Ovation – Reinventing Research to Fuel Our Innovation Efforts.
Alongside clients from General Electric, Marriott, and mike’s hard lemonade, we explored the role consumer insights plays in the innovation process. Central to the discussion was understanding what customers you are – and aren’t – innovating for. Using consumer research during the innovation process enables teams to identify a richer set of opportunities. Below, we’ve identified six of Kelton’s research techniques that have fed into some of our clients’ breakthrough innovation strategies:
- Innovation Foresight
- In-Situ Exploration
- Digital Immersion
- Extreme Users and Threshold Research
- Consumer Co-Creation
- Storytelling and Narrative Creation
Click here to learn about these methods, the wider impact of these techniques on innovation practices, and illustrative examples from brands like Intel, Target, Microsoft, General Electric, Volkswagen and more.