Methodologies Used

Project Deliverables

  • Newsworthy Analysis

The Challenge: Millennial Insights on Financial Services

The “Merrill Edge Report” is a biannual study that offers insight into the financial concerns, priorities, and behaviors of affluent Americans. With millennials now accounting for one of every three US workers, the company needed to rethink the way they approached their survey to capture the Millennial mindset. Kelton partnered with the company and its PR agency, Burson-Marsteller, to freshen the survey with out-of-the-box questions and a look at the emotional aspects of savings. We helped them use those insights to create a newsworthy story arc which became the basis of the Merrill Edge Report itself, in addition to pitch and press materials.

The Solution: A PR Survey to Generate Millennial Insights

Our collaboration gave the company fresh, compelling data that garnered millions of earned media impressions in outlets such as USA Today, WSJ Live, Money, The Today Show, and CNBC.

Up Next

App Design Research for Visa

When Visa wanted to develop an app to help Millennial and Gen X cardholders manage their finances, we got the ball rolling.

Brand Tracking for Simple

Streamlined brand tracking for a company that's all about keeping things simple.

Farmers Insurance Brand Tracking Case Study

Ad Tracking for Farmer’s Insurance

We helped Farmers build a responsive advertising tracker to keep the insurance giant safe from the competition.

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