Services Used

Methodologies Used

Project Deliverables

  • Newsworthy Analysis

Newsworthy Polling Research for LG

The Challenge

LG is quickly gaining market share in the US with a sophisticated lineup of home appliances and smartphones. Kelton and Ogilvy helped the company get in front of the competition with thought-leadership content and earned media. We’ve unearthed American attitudes and behaviors in the kitchen, the laundry room, at the gym, and on the phone.

Some of our work includes:

– Exploring the joys of cooking with children to promote LG’s Home Appliance line.

– Trends in kitchen design for the LG Studio series.

– The do’s and don’ts of proper gym etiquette for LG Tone.

The Solution

Our ongoing work with LG provides their PR agency with the timely angles and compelling research needed to land stories with national news outlets such as NBC News, USA Today, and key trades like Internet Retailer. These placements continue to earn millions of impressions across the U.S.

Up Next

Consumer Insights for Google

Google knows search; we know consumer insights. Together, we’re tackling the global issues that face the company.

PR Campaign Gold for Kraft

Our consumer survey for Kraft Mac and Cheese's #SwearLikeAMother campaign turned an interesting idea into pop culture gold.

Microsoft Market Research Case Study

Global Product Launch for Microsoft

We teamed up with Microsoft to establish a compelling narrative for a global product launch.

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