Alison Servi
Who We Are

Alison Servi

President, Los Angeles

With a deep understanding of both organizational and marketing strategy, Alison connects the desire for actionable research insights with an understanding of what it takes from both a process and strategy perspective to facilitate change at the organizational and team level. She is a champion of the critical connection between brand strategy and organizational strategy, driver of the creation and execution of customer centric strategy, and navigator of the (messy) intersection of external reinvention and internal change. Prior to her current role, Alison spent several years leading many of Kelton’s largest global engagements, leveraging research, marketing strategy, and design consulting to uncover inspired business solutions. As President, Alison brings her savvy for clients, empathy for colleagues, and knowledge of organizational change to managing the day to day operations, sales, marketing, and finance teams at Kelton, a Material Company.

Alison graduated with honors from the University of Chicago, where she received a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science. She enthusiastically completed her Master’s degree in Learning and Organizational Change at Northwestern University.  She is an active and engaged alumnus of both universities.

Alison has lived in South Africa, trekked the mountains of Italy, and has attended research in many corners of the world. Alison is also an avid hiker, reader, and aspiring slam poet.

Perspectives from Alison

On-Demand Webinar: COVID-19 Consumer Pulse #4

Watch our on-demand webinar for key results from the latest wave of Kelton's COVID-19 tracking survey.


On-Demand Webinar: COVID-19 Consumer Pulse #2

Check out our on-demand webinar for key results from the second wave of Kelton's COVID-19 tracking survey.


On-Demand Webinar: COVID-19 Consumer Pulse

As brands face daily uncertainty as a result of the coronavirus, we're conducting ongoing consumer research to help bring clarity. Watch our on-demand webinar for key results from the first wave of Kelton's COVID-19 tracking survey.

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