Employees Struggle With Work and Tech Overload
December 4, 2014
Source: Baseline Magazine
A significant number of U.S. workers are struggling with work overload and are overwhelmed trying to deal with all the technology in their lives, according to a recent survey from Cornerstone OnDemand. It doesn’t help that employees are also dealing with endless distractions—both the tech kind (emails, IMs, etc.) and the people kind (co-workers, business partners). On a positive note, these employees indicate that they can better manage everything through the use of personal devices and apps, as well as flexible and/or remote working arrangements. “We now live in a world where physical presence is optional, lines between work and life are increasingly blurred by tech, and flex schedules are viewed by employees as a right, not a perk,” says Adam Miller, founder and CEO of Cornerstone OnDemand. “Employers who empower their people to get their work done in the best ways possible—whether through policies, resources or workplace culture—are best positioned to attract and retain top talent. Fortunately, cloud and mobile tech is making it easier to intertwine physical and virtual workspaces in ways that still encourage collaboration and connectivity.” More than 2,000 U.S. workers took part in the research.
– See more at: http://www.baselinemag.com/careers/slideshows/employees-struggle-with-work-and-tech-overload.html#sthash.Dhppk7h3.dpuf