In-Flight Wi-Fi Valued Over Comfort, Bathrooms?
September 9, 2013
Commercial flights are rarely fun; they’re cramped, noisy, often smelly. But according to a survey by Honeywell Aerospace, passengers would be willing to make their experience even more physically uncomfortable in exchange for in-flight Wi-Fi, trading everything from reclining seats, leg room, snacks and restrooms for consistent internet.
An infographic compiled by Honeywell highlights how much we value staying connected – even at 39,000 feet. In exchange for Wi-Fi…
— 32 percent of U.S. passengers would trade in their reclining seats
— 24 percent would give up 6 inches of leg room
— 42 percent would do without snacks
— And an optimistic 13 percent would forgo restroom services.
Take a look.