Project Deliverables

  • Messaging and Narrative Guidebooks
  • Product Naming Recommendations
  • Brand Book
  • Custom Video

Facebook consumer insights case study

The Challenge: Global Brand Strategy

We partnered with Facebook in 2017 on a range of branding, messaging, and narrative development challenges, both here at home and all over the world. When the company was getting ready to launch a new product focused on mentorship, they asked us to develop an insights-backed naming and messaging strategy that would drive interest while staying true to the brand’s DNA.

Global Brand Strategy research for Facebook

"One of the big lessons that I took away from my travel challenge this year is that our relationships really shape our lives more than I think we realize. And if our relationships helped us set our sights higher, we'd all be better off."

– Mark Zuckerberg

The Solution: Research on Global Markets

We delivered a Messaging Guidebook that offered an overview of the mentorship landscape, explored how the new product would be uniquely suited to meet consumer needs, and established a messaging strategy for how to communicate the product’s features to customers. The company launched their pilot program among nonprofits in 2017, and it’s been positively received by program partners to date.

Up Next

App Design Research for Visa

When Visa wanted to develop an app to help Millennial and Gen X cardholders manage their finances, we got the ball rolling.

Case study: Uber's path to international growth and global expansion.

Global Brand Strategy for Uber

We helped Uber build and refine their international brand strategy and remain a category disruptor using global market research.

Consumer Insights for Google

Google knows search; we know consumer insights. Together, we’re tackling the global issues that face the company.

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